Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Luke's first birthday cake!

Well.. it was a month late.. due to everyone being so sick.. but he finally got his cake, and he loved it! We were going to try to have a big party again, but it just seemed like it was going to be so hard to find a day where everyone would be able to come.. so we just decided it would be easiest to give him his cake on Easter, while family was together. I know.. not all family was there.. and I feel bad about that.. I wish it would have worked out the first time.. my fault. :( I'm sure Luke won't mind getting more cake again though.. we can do it all over again. He doesn't realize it was for his birthday. He just thought mom was being really nice and letting him make a huge mess with his food. :)
He really had a blast with it. We got it on video too. As soon as I can get it on here, I'll post that. Here are some pictures of it all.

All clean for now...
I'm sure he could have gotten even messier.. but we stopped it before he made himself sick from all of that sugar!
What fun.. I'll never forget that day. :)

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