Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Luke and Kate's portraits

I finally took Luke (2 1/2)and Kate (3 months) to get some pictures taken. They turned out so cute. Luke did really well this time. At his 2 year old portraits, (7 months ago) he was all over the place in there, but this time he listened to the photographer and stood or sat wherever he told him to sit. :)
He also saw a big rubber ducky they had and went and picked it up and sang "Rubber ducky, you're the one!" He's liking Bert and Ernie right now.

Kate did really well too, we just couldn't keep her hands out of her mouth... so some of her photos show the drool she had all on her face. :)
My file wouldn't let me edit the pictures to rotate them. :(
Here's her "Kitty Kate" outfit I had to get pics in. That's my little name for her. My little kitty Kate! :) You can't really see them, but there are little kittens on the bottom of the dress.


Kate has started to try to roll onto her side this week. Pretty soon she'll be on her tummy!
More playing with the pandas!

Week 14

Kate and Dada at work. :) Kate loves playing in her exersaucer. She's able to grab onto a few things now.. pretty soon she'll be pulling them all to her mouth!So far, her favorite things on here are the two pandas. They always catch her eye. :)

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Kate's 3 months already!

I can't believe it's been 3 months already! That just flew by. Kate is growing so much everyday, and no, not just physically, developmentally too. She holds her head up great, which she has done pretty since she was a newborn. And she likes to sit up by herself on the couch. She smiles constantly, she's such a happy girl! I love her so much!Silly Luke with icing from Mama's birthday cookie cake all over his mouth. These are just some fun pictures I took of her while we were playing in her room.
She has started reaching for her toys now. She liked this little rattle and kept trying to get it to her mouth.Sitting up like a big girl!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Week 12

Kate shows us sweet little smiles all the time now! I love them.She realized she likes her paci last week. It's been great! Now I don't have to be it!Love this jogging stroller! Jared added the car seat adapter on so I could start taking Kate out in it too! Thanks Dada! More sweet smiles.
Here she's either saying "Hi" or "No more pictures please".

Week 11

Even though Kate was sleeping comfortably on me, Luke wanted to hold her, so I put her on his lap. You can see her stretching out as she woke up. (I love her big stretches) :)
Luke is so happy to hold her, as always, but then she realized she wasn't comfy like that, so Mama had to pick her back up.Kate, not so happy since we woke her. Luke not happy anymore since Kate's crying and he didn't get to hold her long. More big brother and little sister time!
She's almost as big as him!
She picked this onesie out. I couldn't say no. :)