Sunday, November 1, 2009

Trick or Treat!

Well, our little golfer had a fun time dressing up and holding his plastic pumpkin bucket, but he had no idea what it was all about. We were going to trick or treat down our street after visiting family, but after we saw that he didn't really get it, we just decided to pass on that this year. Next year will be different. But he did get to ring a few doorbells and hold out his pumpkin.. and he had fun with that. :)

Here he is getting his first look at himself. He thought the hat was pretty funny, and actually wore it a lot longer than we thought he would.
We didn't even bring his clubs with us, cause all he wanted to do was chew on them.

On our way out to trick or treat! Doesn't he look thrilled!
And to end the night, he got to eat a yummy happy meal at Grammy and Grandaddy's house! What a great day!

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