Monday, July 12, 2010

Kate's Arrival!

Kate Elizabeth arrived at 2:43pm on July 6, 2010. She weighed 7lbs 7oz and was 19 1/4 inches. Labor went faster this time, only 6 hours.. with Luke it took 10. Everything went great, and we have a perfect little baby girl. We love her so much already!

Happy Mama, being induced at 8:30am.
Luke was so excited to see Kate for the first time. He hadn't napped all day, so he was crying and cranky. Mimi and Aunt Lauren brought him up to see Kate, but she wasn't in the room yet, so he had to wait, and it was a disaster, because he was crying and wanting to go home, I was crying because he was crying ( my baby blues had kicked in ) and he didn't even really say hi to me, he just wanted Dada to take him home... and then finally the nurse brought Kate in and he was so sweet. He came up to see her so quiet and gentle, and had just the sweetest look on his face as he held her. I'll never forget that moment. :)Going home! Yay!Sweet baby Kate, sleeping peacefully.

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